A Concerted Effort To Regain My Musical Extraversion After Two Years of Spotification- An Introduction

It’s been a while since I’ve authored anything. Like most, the covid pandemic threw a wrench in my creative process and like most, stifled road trips worth writing about. Even when some normalcy of travel returned, a combination of writer’s block, stubbornness and laziness became my mantra. I figured it’s time to shake off the cobwebs and document a few experiences.

I’ve become a bit concert crazy in the last year. Something about catching a live band is a surreal if not a religious experience…many concert halls have become churches so my mission became to catch as many bands in as many venues as possible. Although I can’t brag about hitting up the Apollo or Whisky A Go Go, I’ve been privileged to see some pretty cool artists in some pretty cool venues. In many cases, these concerts were also surrounded with a bit of extra fun which I will attempt to relive in subsequent posts.

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